Sri Lanken Protest – Our entire civilisation is structured around keeping us from realising we can do this – ZeroHedge

Sri Lanken protestors

‘Thousands of protesters outraged by the deteriorating material conditions of the nation’s economic meltdown have stormed the presidential palace of Sri Lanka’s President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and I guarantee you the aerial footage as they poured into the building en masse has made every government leader and plutocrat a little uncomfortable today.’ Go to article:  

Why is there deafening media silence on global protests?

Elite, global ideologists along with co-operating governments are moving quickly to install the ‘green agenda’ all under the guise of saving the planet and saving lives. The result is the industries we rely on for our very existence are unnecessarily having the rug pulled out from beneath them. Livelihoods of the working class are being…

Henan: China allegedly restricts protesters with Covid app

The illegitimate intertwining of health status with digital identity is already an ostensible reality in China. Both Australia and New Zealand have digital identity trust legislation currently in motion. It seems our governments want to take us down a similar technocratic path where quite literally, access to services could be denied for non-compliant behaviour. Is…

How do you stop disagreeable speech? Re-label it ‘terrorism’ that’s how!

Russell Brand discusses the new labelling of misinformation by Homeland Security. “Is the world really changing or is it the language used to describe it that’s changing? This new lexicon of magical language is like a series of lily pads that lead you to prison” says Russell. [Impersonation]: “So Misinformation is the stuff we don’t…

Only 1/3 of reported Covid hospitalisations are because of Covid

Covid Hospitalisations

Back in March this flash of truth appeared amid the usual deluge of covid-related STUFF news. Another way to look at this admission is: the stats for covid hospitalisations – relentlessly reported to remind us to keep going along with The State’s pandemic regime – have been exaggerated by 200% ! Go to article:…

The Hatchard Report: How did we get here?

Dr. Guy Hatchard discusses the growing list of deficiences, mistakes and ongoing risks of Covid policies. Go to article: How on Earth Did We Arrive at Where We Are Today