Marie Farrell – South Waikato District Council candidate

Marie Farrell South Waikato
In October this year, everyone of voting age has the opportunity to vote for who they want to represent them on their local city or district council or unitary authority.  We have witnessed the infiltration of the nonsensical climate change political green agenda into our councils nationwide, to the point where too many councillors around the country want to spend ratepayers money on cycle lanes and removing car parks than focusing on the important infrastructure that is breaking down. This year’s local body elections are very important as it marks the beginning of positive change, as more and more people are waking up to idiocy that has been plaguing the councils around our nation. Enough is enough. So we’re going to profile people who understand and acknowledge that our country cannot continue the way it’s been going and are willing to step up and take a stand. Long may it continue.


Marie Farrell South Waikato candidate

Marie Farrell

After a long career in government security services, Marie Farrell has returned to Putaruru with her husband and five children and is running for council in the South Waikato District.

South Waikato is where she grew up and where she has chosen to raise her children. Marie believes that it is the right time, after a successful career, to give back to the community she loves.

The South Waikato is a special place that reflects its farming and forestry history and entrepreneurial spirit, she says.

“We cannot ignore the impact of national issues, such as Three Waters, but we can do something about it and my experience in policy development and governance can help navigate a way ahead.”

Marie says a vote for her is a vote for “asset retention and strengthened local governance” of the district’s water.

“We can do better than the proposed Three Waters reforms.”

Marie is also passionate about strengthening local democracy and the fundamental right of “one person, one vote”. She will work to ensure everyone gets their say, including our farmers, businesses, and loggers because “we are all people of the South Waikato”.

Vote Marie Farrell, the Number 1 Candidate for South Waikato District Council. If you live in the district and have any questions or concerns about the council, don’t hesitate to drop her an email on

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