STUFF’d Circuit

A poem by Yvette.

The filter used
‘Dramatic cool’
A scene
dimmed room
Watched viewer
watching telly
blue glows
real light
but all

‘Love’ neon
so placed to
edged pathos

DG – she claims:
“Didn’t monitor the protest”
So a real threat?
for sure wrongly inflicted

(well that’s Projection)
The Dis Project
– they dis alright
dis & hiss deflection
Is something
Not light

U wield the ruling sceptre
spout words like poisoned arrows
you target all
by few you call
what best describes yourselves:
“Deep state propaganda machine”:
Is MSM by stealth

Your lead ins well used – for eg.
“What we’re about to show you”
To sit on edge
You poke and sledge
looms tragedy
but for who?

A game. A show
the Widow hostess
likes to win

U the paid arm:
from fleeced taxpayers
with frivolity
u money waste
Pitting NZers against NZers
While ignorant
of what’s been faced

Jekyll Jackels
feasting on
the voiceless
u circle
like vultures
to dismember
in the dying minutes

U discredit & defame
’tis rich when u claim
“just for doing your jobs”
Ur victim card
is played
Don’t matter
that you’re bad
you’ve no idea
the hard
price paid

U lean on throats
with your lies
Truth u wilfully abate
U want a welcome mat ?
U shoulda told both sides
But to keep your
*role intact
*too important to the state
is what hides
So u tell
not fact

“Our Aotearoa”
So ill
paint it

scuttering moles
worthless beings
Armed with your
loaded camera
to misrepresent
u try capture
unfolding stance
meant chaos
to enrapture

U Goebbelise
your ‘doco’ lies
Cut n paste
& fabricated
to set the tone
Hammer House,
Twilight zone
Price – like narrated

No wonder not
“The temperature has risen”
you dialled it up
so yeah
it’s gotten hot

You’ve held
a knife
to a flame
to sanitise
& dig
bullets embedded
a minefield laid
too explosive
If still tredded

edit to suit
& write wrong
a sordid
remnant take
with verve
akin to
rabied hounds
your tale


One Response

  1. Fitting poetry, which does describe the’ sorry state’ which our beloved country is in. Now that covid, has taken a ‘back seat’, no longer front page news, the’ governing tyrants’ are even more eager to push on with their plan for ‘world depopulation’. Ardern is flying off, again to’ suck-up’ to the globalist tyrants at the UN. This is to proceed the ‘next part’ of the ‘GLOBAL LOCKSTEP PLAN’ for schwabbs, WEF, RESET. He really does want us to ‘eat zee bugs’ and be happy, folks ! Now is the time that we all as Freedom fighters, have to remain vigilant, and UNITED, together as one. The MSM, in this country have planned another attack, on us, with the recent arrests, of the 2 reporters from COUNTERSPIN MEDIA, again this was done because our’ fascist lying dictator’ has bought and paid for, our lying MSM, to report the government narrative, on all current international MSM, all other media is ‘blocked and banned’. Yes folks, this is what happens in countries like Nth Korea, Cambodia, under the Khymer Rouge, or China under commrade Mao. We must put aside the political left-right politics if we are to survive the next part of their plan! Are we going to let them?? It’s TIME TO UNITE..LEFT and RIGHT!!!

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