“Woke is Maoism with American characteristics.” – James Lindsay

Woke ideology is such a slippery and  insidious beast to define. It’s ability to leverage minority groups as a means to guilt-trip society into its new order is especially difficult to articulate out loud without falling into it’s trap of appearing to be a { insert derogatory archetype }. This is by design, as James…

Graham Adams: What Hipkins doesn’t want to tell us about Three Waters

three waters

Original article by Graham Adams. ‘The govt has told us co-governance only applies at ‘representative level’. However at ‘operational level’ the te mana o te wai statements of which only iwi/hapu can issue, eclipse this limitation where they may act as edicts to which water services entities legally must respond. Does this mean what we…

The World Economic Forum’s ‘AI Enslavement’ is Coming

Gatestone Institute on WEF

Article by J.B. Shurk writer for Gatestone Institute. Should [Klaus Schwab] and the WEF clan pull it off, they will do so by using technology to enfeeble, rather than empower, the human race. Already, people have become familiar with the new terms of their future enslavement. Central bank digital currencies will allow governments not only to track…

Neil Oliver : Make it make sense

Historian Neil Oliver further speculates on the big picture of humanity as it continues to struggle in the wake of the Pandemic; the continual rising cost of living; the potential for worldwide financial catastrophe and who is driving it.  

The Antidote to Tyranny is Liberty, Not Democracy or International Government

One of many insightful articles by J.B. Shurk writer for Gatestone Institute discussing the propensity for Democracy to be hijacked of which the only true answer is for Nations to be truly underpinned by Libertarian values. If Western political leaders have used rhetorical voodoo to replace “individual liberty” with vague notions of “democracy,” they have…

Chris Hipkins succumbs to radical fringe ideology – struggles with definition of ‘Woman’

The New Zealand government and mainstream media appear to be under the spell of the radical fringe-Trans ideology being used to drive policy intending to allow biological men into women-only spaces. Prime Minister Chris Hipkins appears to have succumbed to it, as he struggles to answer the simple question ‘What is a Woman?”. Veteran-turned-alternative-media-journalist Sean…

‘Safe and Effective’ claims by Government were overstated – Cranmer

According to Cranmer’s report, at the time of roll-out in early 2021, the New Zealand government overstated Medsafe’s safety assessment of the Pfizer vaccine to the NZ public. In fact it appears Medsafe found significant gaps in the data, as supplied by Pfizer. These were: duration of protection, protection against severe disease, disease transmission long-term…

Fluoride Free NZ reject claims in STUFF article

Fluoride Free NZ reject the  safety and benefits of Fluoridated water as purported in STUFF article. Recently STUFF published an article  “The Whole Truth: Water fluoridation – at recommended levels – is safe and beneficial” – (Link in the PDF document below). This was met with a comprehensive counter-argument by Fluoride experts Fluoride Free NZ,…

The Albert Park Transbie Apocalypse

By Author: Tessa. I like to think I’m a fairly open minded person. Up until the riot at Auckland’s #LetWomanSpeak event this weekend, I’d spent a lot of time trying to put myself in the shoes of Trans women in relation to human rights. Because the Covid era – where the stomping on our right…